Innovation & Automation
Call NowMotorization & Automation starting at $209.00 per window!
Orange Beach Blinds is the leader in child safety and cordless window covering sales in the Orange Beach area. As a former product and sales manager with Levolor Home Fashions, we have been involved in the design and implementation of cordless and motorized shadings for the past 25 years, and have worked with the Window Coverings Manufacturers Association (WCMA) to improve and insure the safety of children and pets when it comes to your window treatments.
Automated window coverings can be either manually controlled by touch, battery operated remote, or hard wired into your current home automation system. All of our automated systems feature control options ranging from home automation interfaced, wall switches, sun sensors, timers, and hand held remotes. For a “cool factor”, Hunter Douglas introduces Power View motorization. With the touch of the screen on your Apple® or Android product you can now open, close, and adjust the vanes on your Hunter Douglas shades and blinds throughout your entire home, and while you are away! Easily programmable, the Hunter Douglas Power View App brings a new level of control to your window coverings. No pre-wiring, no hiding wires; easy plug and play home automation!